While I take the dog out for her exercise/bathroom break I get my blog post.
This tree has caught my eye lately; as anyone who has seen my previous posts can tell.
All these photos are from the same time just different compositions and different effects.
Sometimes I wonder if using PhotoShop or some other imaging program, in this case Vignette, ruins an image. But even Ansel Adams said a photo should be the image you see in your head not what is really there. Unfortunately I cannot remember the original quote... I believe it was in his book The Negative but I am not positive. So here are my interpretations of the real world.

I like the top photo the best.
What, you don't like my tree?!
Yeah I have that photo in mind for a couple days. I was out the other day and there were some birds standing in the field and I thought it would be an interesting shot with that tilt focus but I didn't have my camera. Of course I haven't seen them out again when I had any type of camera. But those purple things, I assume weeds make the picture. If only a big looming raven was standing there it would have been better. But they don't like Bailey so I probably won't get that shot.
You really should be more positive about quotes from a book called "The Negative".
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