Monday, August 25, 2008

On the road again

I actually took these photos before I took the on from the previous post, I just revisited them today. I took these off of Hwy 60. When I originally took these the sun was coming up over the dark building, it is red, and I wanted sun flares. editing them today I came to the conclusion that it didn't work, it was a waste of time; thank goodness for digital. No wasted film. Who knows I might come back to these photos in a month or two and want sun flares again.

I shot these in color and did the post in photoshop. This building (above) is bright red so one day I might want a bright red building and I have the RAW file to go back to and get the red back. I used to love to shot black & white film. Back in the "old days" of film you had to be able to see the image in black & white before you took it. Know you can either not worry about it or try to see in color and in black & white to figure out how to compose it and get the lighting right.

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