Friday, June 14, 2013

Bonus photo

For better if worse (and I'm leaning towards worse) the go to camera for me and probably many people is the phone. I almost always have mine with me and pull it out more to take pictures than to make phone calls.
I say worse because even though camera phones have come a long way they are still a long way away from the quality of a decent DSLR. When I take a picture like this and think that might be nice to have a print of the quality just isn't there. It will look food on this blog, instagram, FB or tumblr. I will be posting this pix to all those sites but I still wish I had taken it with my "real camera". Even though the DSLRs are getting smaller they are still big compared to the ever shrinking cell/smart phone and digital point-and-shoot.
Some of this might be my laziness or insecurities after all this plant is right out front of my house. I could have done back out with my Nikon and taken a picture in the time it has taken me to write this. But whenever people see a big camera with detachable lens they think you are a professional or in the press... so I don't like the stares.
Alright I'm going to get my camera and take that picture... oh wait, no... Uh I'm burning dinner gotta go cook.

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