Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Art what is it good for

It is sad to see an empty art gallery. Art is always the first thing to go in schools when funds are cut and it is the first thing to go in a bad economy.
Greece is always considered one of if not the greatest society. It gave us democracy, science and art.

I said, art, huh
Good God, y'all!

If we love the democracy and science so much why can't we embrace the art? I mean really embrace it. Don't leave it to the few to create and the rich to buy but embrace it as part of everyday life and education. The culture that created the government we say we love and the science we use every day incorporated art into their education and everyday life. How can we expect to follow in their footsteps if we aren't wearing the same shoes?


Hal Weaver said...

Good points, but with me you are preaching to the choir. I don't believe people are taught how to look at art in the USA. In a culture of instant gratification, it's difficult for most people to stop and examine and think about anything, let alone art.

rememberforgiveevolve said...

What's worse, just after art and music get cut from the schools, science is the next discipline to go. It's not considered mandatory. What does that mean for us? Kids might be able to add - which is good if they actually learn that while giving oral sex in the bathroom of their school - but they won't have any training musically or artistically, nor will they have an understanding of the world around them. And, I won't have a job.