Sunday, May 15, 2011

Forced Enjoyment

Sunday was a beautiful day and my beautiful wife forced me to go out with her to the Clarke-Palmore House and enjoy the day. She had to work for the county face painting at their ice cream social.

I wondered around the grounds for a while taking pictures and taking in the history. The house was in 1819 and then donated to the county in 1999.

You can see the city through the trees but you are in a lush green natural setting. I had never been to this neighborhood before even though I have driven by the area a million times. It is off Route 5 just south of Richmond.

This was one of the secondary buildings on the property, beautiful red brick buildings set in the lush green Virginia woods.

Another bonus was stopping and taking some pictures by the railroad tracks.

Over the years I have taken Route 5 many times to come and go from Richmond and I have always wanted to stop and take pictures off these rail road tracks just south of the bottom but never have. Today I took the time. This area is quickly getting built up with high end condos, restaurants and office so I don't know how much longer it will look this way.

1 comment:

Hal Weaver said...

That last picture is my favorite in this group. I'm a sucker for dramatic clouds. Looks like a relaxing and restful time. Interesting to contrast your version of the day with Laura's.